A Father’s Love: Parenting Without Limitations

Categories: Blog, Home

Marine Staff Sergeant Liam Dwyer and his wife, Meghan, received their specially adapted custom HFOT home in the summer of 2020, settling in the Lake Worth, Florida community with the knowledge that the donated home with over 40 major adaptations would give them the freedom and independence to pursue their dreams after years of navigating challenges.

In 2011, Liam was severely injured while serving in Afghanistan when he stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED). The blast amputated his left leg and damaged his remaining limbs, requiring over 50 surgeries in the following years.

The single-level, open floor plan in their HFOT home allowed Liam to move freely from room to room in his wheelchair, a luxury he wasn’t afforded in their former inaccessible living environment. Yet, the financial freedom of the donated home proved to be equally life-changing as they sought to expand their family.

“One of the benefits that we have with being mortgage-free is that my wife and I could afford IVF. And we had our son, Conor, born a year or so ago,” says Liam.

Now a hands-on father to an active baby boy, Liam is grateful the home allows him to care for Conor without limitations. “Some of the freedoms of our HFOT are wider doorways and wider hallways so I can get in to see my son and pick him up out of the crib when he’s crying at night,” he says.

Liam would like HFOT donors and supporters to know the impact of their generosity.

Our HFOT home also gives me the freedom to live independently. When my wife leaves, whether it’s to go out to the store, to do other errands or things that she needs to do, she knows that I can live safely and independently in the home and care for our son.

Marine Staff Sergeant Liam Dwyer

Homes For Our Troops would like to extend our gratitude to our valued mission supporters who help restore freedom and independence to our Veterans, enabling them to focus on their family, recovery, and future.

Happy Father’s Day from Homes For Our Troops.

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