Homes For Our Troops accepts donations of stocks and securities

Categories: Blog, Home
As we near the end of 2020, it is a good time to begin thinking about supporting your favorite charities. Did you know that you can donate stocks, bonds, or other securities? This is a great way to support Homes For Our Troops and the Veterans we serve, with an added bonus of potential income-tax …

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Thank you for making Giving Tuesday a huge success!

Categories: Blog, Home
Thank you for making this Giving Tuesday a truly memorable one. With your support, we raised over $600,000! Your kindness will enable us to cover the cost for safe rooms and generators in 18 of the 23 specially adapted custom homes HFOT plans to build this year. Safe rooms are crucial for injured Veterans because they …

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Fostering a New Journey

Categories: Blog, Home
After her first day working at a shelter in 2016, Autumn Harris felt heartbroken knowing there were so many children in need of a home with people who will love and care for them. That night, she shared her thoughts with her husband, Army Sergeant Doug Harris, and they knew instantly they wanted to become …

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Homes For Our Troops celebrity auction on eBay raises over $400,000

Categories: Blog, Fundraising, Home
Homes For Our Troops (HFOT) raised over $400,000 during its 4th Annual Veterans Day Celebrity Auction on eBay from Nov. 10-17, 2020. Jake Tapper, George Clooney, Mindy Kaling, and Wynonna Judd headlined the event to support HFOT. In partnership with eBay for Charity, participants bid on personal Zoom experiences, luxury items, and autographed memorabilia from …

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