SPC Reas Axtell

Idalou, TX

Mission Accomplished on August 29, 2009

On the evening of Aug. 28 2007, a 127 mm rocket was lobbed into the U.S. military base in Kirkuk, Iraq, where Army Specialist Reas Axtell was serving as part of the 977th Military Police Company. SPC Axtell was badly injured in the blast, which shattered both of his legs leaving him with a double hip disarticulation.

With the help of numerous volunteers, Homes For Our Troops was able to build SPC Axtell and his family a home that accommodates his needs and enables them to concentrate on recovery and their future together. Homes For Our Troops was proud to turn over the keys to this house to the Axtell family on Aug. 29, 2009. Reas now enjoys being a stay-at-home dad for his six children.

Thank you to everyone who supported the building of Reas’ home. Without people like you, none of this would’ve been possible.