Fredericksburg, VA

Mission Accomplished on June 12, 2010

Marine Sergeant Steven Kiernan was deployed to Fallujah, Iraq when he sustained life-altering injuries that caused him to lose both of his legs in May 2008.

While returning from a security patrol and acting as Walking Point, the leading foot patrol, Sgt Kiernan and his team were hit by an improvised explosive device (IED). When the dust cleared, life-saving measures were being applied by a buddy who after putting a tourniquet on both of Steven’s legs, helped load him into a vehicle to transport him to the MEDEVAC and then to the hospital.

Sgt Kiernan was later transported to Germany and later to Bethesda Naval Hospital before eventually transferring to Walter Reed. Sgt Kiernan enjoys golf, poker, and SCUBA diving. He plans to further his education.

Homes For Our Troops is proud to have presented Sgt Kiernan with his specially adapted home on June 12, 2010.