Happy Holidays from Homes For Our Troops

Categories: Blog, Home
To Army Sergeant Luis Rosa-Valentin, the holidays are a time of reflection and gratitude. For this year’s holiday card, Luis painted a picture of his wife Christa holding his youngest daughter for the first time after she was born on his 13th alive day. “My painting is of those things I hold most dear – these holiday …

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Rebuilding Lives Video Release: Army Specialist Steven Baskis’ story

Categories: Blog, Home, Veteran topic
Ever since Army Specialist Steven Baskis lost his eyesight while serving in Iraq when an explosively formed penetrator (EFP) detonated next to his vehicle, he has had to reestablish his new normal. Journeying to the tops of mountains – hiking, climbing, and working the back country – is a crucial part of his recovery. Steven considers his specially adapted …

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The Army-Navy Game: How a 47 year old prank is helping Build Homes and Rebuild Lives

Categories: Blog, Home
On November 30, 1974, what started as a memorable and well-executed Army-Navy pre-game prank by 40 Navy midshipmen impersonating Army cadets prior to kickoff, soon morphed into the seamless capture of 36 Army company guidons (unit flags). While the Army eventually recovered most of the captured guidons, a few never found their way back to …

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Homes For Our Troops on ABC World News Tonight

Categories: Blog, Home
Several companies were recently featured on World News Tonight’s “Made in America” for their philanthropic efforts to give back to their communities this holiday season. Ispwich River Craft, a company that creates nautical flag signs to spell out personalized messages, is donating $25 to Homes For Our Troops’ mission for every Servicemember nautical flag sign …

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Categories: Blog, Home
Thank you for making this Giving Tuesday a truly memorable one. With your help, we raised over $1,400,000!  Special thanks to the Andresen Family Foundation for generously donating $500,000 when we met our initial goal of $500,000. Your kindness will enable us to cover the cost of crucial life-changing features including automatic door openers, safe rooms, and backup generators for the specially adapted …

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