HFOT Veteran continues to serve through international mission trips

Categories: Blog, Helping in the Community, Home
During his two deployments to Afghanistan, Marine Corporal Luke McDermott thrived off the ability to help others. He loved witnessing the positive impact he and his fellow Marines were making in a country dealing with oppression and violence. “Knowing I was making a difference keeping people safe back home in the United States was huge …

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How donors benefit HFOT fathers

Categories: Blog, Helping in the Community, Home
Serving in the military is one of the bravest decisions a father can make. He is willing to risk his own safety to protect his own children. So, you can imagine the extreme frustration these men experience when they return home with injuries so severe daily tasks become a challenge in traditional housing, limiting the …

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Veteran reflections on Memorial Day

Categories: Blog, Home, Veteran topic
Feb. 27, 2011, will always be a date Army Staff Sergeant Alex Dillmann will never forget. It is not only the day he became paralyzed in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast while serving in Afghanistan, it is also when he lost his friend and fellow Soldier Sergeant Kristopher J. Gould. Every Memorial Day, cities …

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Why we love HFOT moms

Categories: Blog, Home
The mothers in the HFOT family are really something special. Raising a child is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor, but HFOT moms often take on many other roles without complaint. The mothers of our Veterans went through every parent’s worst nightmare in witnessing their son or daughter endure severe injuries from service. These brave women …

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Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team breaks barriers

Categories: Blog, Home
When someone experiences a severe injury, their first thoughts are whether or not they will be able to do the sports they love again. The players of the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team (WWAST) prove there are no restrictions post-injury, living by their motto: “life without a limb is limitless.” The team includes several future …

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