At Work
Did you know that consumers and investors are more likely attracted to support companies that demonstrate a commitment not only to employees and customers but also to meaningful causes and organizations? Studies show companies who fundraise or support the work of nonprofit organizations promote employee engagement, boost morale, and can even increase retention rates. Check out some of the companies below who have incorporated HFOT into their cultures.
Tip: Every company is structured differently. Pick a fundraising effort that compliments the strengths of your staff. Think of doing something that will get your employees fired up!
Cause Marketing Campaign

HFOT Regional Partner Harvey Building Products conducts an annual co-branded winter hat campaign around Veterans Day raising an average of $40,000 each year. Harvey challenges their branches by having a friendly competition to see who can raise the most money each year by selling the hats to their customers for a suggested donation of $10.
The fun heats up when the new hat design is unveiled and loyal customers make larger donations to help the fundraising efforts of their favorite branch. A trophy is awarded to the branch that raises the most money for bragging rights. This approach is a fun way to get everyone on your team engaged once a year and inform your customers about your support for HFOT. The cost of the campaign is built into Harvey’s marketing budget so that all money raised is donated to HFOT.
Dress Down / Jeans Day

Give employees the option to make a donation and dress casual in their favorite pair of jeans! Consider adopting a “Red Shirt Friday” or “Casual Friday” policy at your office. Not only do employees get to bend the rules of the dress code one day a week, employees get to do so knowing they are also supporting a good cause.
A dress down day is a very simple and easy way to dip your office’s toe in the philanthropic pool. Try hosting a jeans day at your office as a way to introduce Homes For Our Troops into your company’s culture.
Company Luncheon

Your employees need to eat at some time right? Hold a companywide luncheon or BBQ and take the opportunity to educate your employees on the cause you have chosen to support.
Charge employees a flat amount and donate the proceeds to Homes For Our Troops. Cargill employees pictured above held a celebration luncheon where employees purchased cheeseburgers with total sales going to Homes For Our Troops.
Organize a Raffle

We are very fortunate to host our quarterly Veterans Conferences in the Renaissance Hotel at Patriot Place. For the past two football seasons, the Renaissance staff has gone above and beyond through additional fundraising efforts in support of Homes For Our Troops.
Teaming up with New England Picture the staff raffled off signed Patriots memorabilia at every Sunday home game. Hosting a raffle is a great way to educate you guests and/or customers about the Homes For Our Troops mission. It doesn’t hurt when there is an enticing prize for the raffle winner. All in all, another great opportunity to show your company’s support!
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