Partnership and Corporate Philanthropy
We encourage your company to join forces with Homes For Our Troops to improve the lives of Veterans through philanthropic investments, employee gift matching, event sponsorships, volunteerism and employee engagement. Our team will help design a program that meets your strategic goals and marketing objectives so that your customers and employees are proud to be a part of a business that helps Veterans and their families in a lasting way.

Become a Partner
Align your company with a top rated Military and Veteran charity by joining the top tier of our corporate donors: National Partners and Mission Partners. Learn more.

Sponsor A Build Event
Engage your employees, customers and community by sponsoring a Homes For Our Troops Build event near one of your company’s key locations or headquarters. Learn more.

Launch A Workplace Giving Program
Identify the best way for your business to donate through a corporate or employee giving program. Cash, grants or employee deductions are ideal ways to support the mission. Learn more.

Design A Cause Marketing Campaign
Implement a purpose driven marketing campaign that communicates your company’s commitment to supporting severely injured post – 9/11 Veterans and their families. Learn more.
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