Lincoln, DE

Mission Accomplished on Dec. 5, 2007

On Oct. 3, 2005, Army Sergeant Jason Nielson, of Glendale, Ariz., was severely injured while serving with the 860th Military Police Company. SGT Nielson was on a security patrol in Baghdad City, Iraq, and while responding to an RPG attack, a sniper shot him from side to side, through the opening of his body armor. He sustained severe internal damage, which included spleen damage, kidney nephrectomy, L3 vertebrae fracture, nerve damage from the waist down causing Jason to be an incomplete paraplegic, and many more complications from his injuries to include a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

After realizing the extensive adaptations needed to the Nielson’s home after they moved to Harrington, Delaware, and learning about the large mortgage the Nielson family carried, the president of Lacrosse Homes of MD and DE, Lindsay Dixon, committed to building the Nielson family a home in their Blueberry Hills subdivision, at minimal cost to Homes For Our Troops. “SGT Nielson has dedicated his life to helping his fellow Americans, and we could not stand by and let him settle for something when we could provide a whole lot more,” says Lindsay Dixon, President of Lacrosse Homes.

Homes For Our Troops extends our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Army Sergeant Jason Nielson, who passed away on May 11, 2024. He was a valued member of the HFOT Family and a strong supporter of our mission. We will miss him greatly.