Cpl Roger Rua

Cheshire, CT


On March 29, 2012, Marine Corporal Roger Rua was serving with the Security Platoon attached to the 9th Engineer Support Battalion when the vehicle he was riding in drove over a command detonated improvised explosive device (IED) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Cpl Rua sustained fractures to his spine, femur and sternum, and traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of the explosion.

Initially paralyzed from the chest down, doctors were uncertain if Roger would walk again. But after four months of physical therapy at the VA in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, Roger was able to stand and eventually walk small distances with assistance. By the time he was discharged, Roger was managing to walk with only a cane, progress he credits to the support and love he received from family.

Roger and his wife Angela are parents to two children, Vincenzo and Emilia. Roger is an administrative operations specialist, investigating counterfeit currency, financial crimes, and criminal backgrounds. In his previous home, Roger could walk up and down the stairs carefully while holding the railing, but often worried about being able to carry his children.  A specially adapted custom home free of hazards, such as stairs and thresholds, enables him to live independently and safely.

Roger says that not having the financial burden of a mortgage enables him to focus on his education and career. He obtained a degree in national security from the University of New Haven in 2017. The stability of a permanent home, he says, relieves his stress and anxiety about providing for his family.

Roger’s hobbies include cycling and running, as well as playing golf, and darts.

Roger expresses his sincere thanks to all of the Homes For Our Troops’ supporters: “The fact that HFOT helps Veterans build back up their lives and makes their dreams come true is something that brings so much hope to all of us. Without the support from donors, none of this would be possible,” he says.

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