VIDEO: The Reason to Give to severely injured Veterans this holiday season

Categories: Blog, Home

Heading into the holidays and reflecting on the past year, we want you to know, even throughout the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, your generosity continues to advance the Homes For Our Troops mission of Building Homes and Rebuilding Lives.

In 2020, we donated homes to over 20 severely injured post-9/11 Veterans (including Army Sergeant Daniel Casara pictured above) and reached the milestone of completing our 300th home. Thank you for understanding the critical need for adapted housing for severely injured Veterans. Our HFOT Veterans are grateful to have adapted homes to safeguard themselves and their families during the stay-at-home orders and advisories.

Though we have accomplished many great milestones, the need remains. Currently, we have over 60 homes underway nationwide, more than 100 Veterans in the application process for our program, and 1,000+ Veterans still in need of adaptive housing.

The greatest holiday gift we can provide severely injured Veterans is a safe, accessible home where they can prepare meals with their loved ones and care for their children without worrying about their own safety. Making a contribution today will help us build more homes for deserving Veterans in 2021.

We invite you to view a recap of our 2020 Key Ceremonies in our Year End video below.

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