HFOT Veteran Home Recipients
Here is a list of the Veterans we serve at Homes For Our Troops. The bolded names indicate the Veteran home building projects that are currently active.
Veteran home recipients In Alphabetical Order
- A
- Adams, Jeffrey
- Adams, Thomas
- Addison, Jarrod
- Aguilera, Christopher
- Akin, Thomas
- Alvarado, Luis
- Amaris, Juan
- Amos, James
- Andrade, Craig
- Andrieu, Christopher
- Argrave, Jeffrey
- Arriaga, Ignacio
- Armstead, Charles
- Arrechaga, Ofren
- Arredondo, Juan
- Austin, Jeremy
- Axtell, Reas
- Ayala, Odin
- B
- Badia, Jace
- Baer, Yancy
- Bagge, Christian
- Bailey, Noah
- Baldwin, Phillip
- Barber, Robert
- Barrera, Edgar
- Barron, Josue
- Bartlett, Jonathan
- Baskis, Steven
- Beberniss, Nicholas
- Beck, Michael
- Beddow, Kyle
- Beimfohr, Joseph
- Beltran, Juan
- Bendel, Grady
- Bennett, John
- Benoit, James
- Benson, Latseen
- Beyers, Mark
- Birckhead, Timothy
- Blackmon, Jeffrey
- Blanchard, Kevin
- Blauvelt, Christopher
- Blum, Hans
- Blunt, Isaac
- Bobadilla, Fidel
- Bomke, Timothy
- Bonfiglio, Edward
- Bond, Justin
- Bondurant, Brett
- Boone, Brian
- Booth, Joel
- Bouchard, Joshua
- Boucher, James
- Boyle, Aaron
- Bradley, Ronell
- Brady, Craig
- Brady, Zachariah
- Breckheimer, Benjamin
- Breece, Jeremy
- Brooks, Christopher
- Brown, Michael
- Brown, William
- Bruce, Robert
- Brumley, Timothy
- Brumpton, Chad
- Bultje, Steven
- Burchard, Austin
- Burleson, Kyle
- Burns, Michael
- Butterworth, Andrew
- Butler, Ferris
- Byers, Christopher
- Byrd, Wesley
- C
- Calderon, Conrad
- Caley, Joseph
- Calhoun, Heath
- Callahan, Justin
- Camacho, Bryan
- Campbell, Kevin
- Canine, Robert
- Carnes, Garrett
- Carroll, Sean
- Carter, Russell
- Casara, Daniel
- Castro, John Paul
- Cervantez, Ruben
- Chambers, Bryan
- Chandler, Billy
- Charles, Darryl
- Chatwin, Christopher
- Cole, Dwayne
- Cole, Matthew
- Cope, Joshua
- Cornelius, Aaron
- Crabbe, Justin
- Craft, Maurice
- Craven, Joshua
- Crouch, Cameron
- Cruz-Arocho, Roberto
- Curry, Steven
- Curtin, John
- D
- Damon, Peter
- Dandrea, Marcus
- Davila, Dominic
- Deaton, Brandon
- Delgado, Pascual
- DeLoach, Joseph
- Dennison, Russell
- DeWitt, Matthew
- Dillmann, Alex
- Dinsmore, Zachary
- Dobos, Timothy
- Downing, Michael
- Doyle, Richard
- Draughn, Larry
- Dubois, Kevin
- Dudek, Daniel
- Dwyer, Liam
- E
- Ecker II, Mark
- Echols, Travis
- Eckley, Nicholas
- Edmundson, Eric
- Edwards, Greg
- Elliott, Joshua
- Emery, David
- Emory, Michael
- Esco, Leroy
- Esquibel, Dominic
- Escobedo, Henry
- Ewell, Gordon
- F
- Fair, James
- Fanene, Wallace
- Fernandez, Dominic
- Ferreira, Matias
- Fesmire, Chris
- Field, David
- Firth, Nicholas
- Fisher, William
- Fierro, Chris
- Flores Jr., Alberto
- Folmar, Jordan
- Fountaine, Brian
- Fox, Michael
- Franklin, Milan
- Frazier, Daniel
- Frustaglio, Neil
- Fry, Michael
- Fye, Dan
- G
- Gaal, Toran
- Gallardo, Michael
- Gallo, Jose
- Galloway, Noah
- Galvan, Erik
- Garcia, Adrian
- Garcia, Carlos
- Garcia, Kyle
- Gasca, Jose Daniel
- Geer, Robert
- Gibson, Jason
- Gill, Orlando
- Gittens, Sean
- Glavey, Patrick (PJ)
- Gomes, Chris
- Gomez, Carlos
- Gonzales, Hubert
- Gonzales, Michael
- Gonzalez, Visnu
- Gordon, Christopher
- Gower, Michael
- Granville, Earl
- Grashen, Matt
- Gray, Kenneth
- Green, Jake
- Greene, Travis
- Guerra, Oscar
- Guerin, Jeffrey
- Guldin, Edward
- Guzman, David
- H
- Hackett, Jeffrey
- Haegele, Mark
- Hall, Joshua
- Hall, Timothy
- Hall, Tyler
- Hallett, Jason
- Hamilton, Quentin
- Hancock, Christopher
- Hanrahan, Kevin
- Harker, Kenneth
- Harris, Charles
- Harris, Darlene
- Hayes, John
- Hayward, Marcus
- Hedge, Paul
- Hemenger, Jeffrey
- Hendrickson, Justin
- Hennagir, Raymond III
- Hernandez, Juan Carlos
- Hinkhouse, Kade
- Hoffman, Joshua
- Holloway, Steven
- Holm, Joshua
- Holmes, Ben
- Honaker, Kevin
- Hooker, Joshua
- Hotaling, Joshua
- Huff, Brandon
- Hunt, Nathan
- Hussey, Alexander
- I
- Isaacs, Bobby
- Isaacson, Chuck
- J
- Jacinto, Aaron
- Jackson, Johnathan
- Jacobs, Bryant
- Jaskolka, Johnathan
- Jauregui, Alejandro
- Jaye, Kevin
- Jensen, Isaac
- Jergens, Brian
- Jirtle, Charles Scott
- Johannsen, Tim
- Johns, Dustin
- Johnson, Curtis
- Johnston, Brian
- Jolly, Aaron
- Jones, John
- Jones, Lee Tom
- Jordan, Eric
- K
- Karpf, Sean
- Keck, Kelly
- Kaplan, Preston
- Keeslar, Jacque
- Keil, Matthew
- Kennedy, Marshall
- Kelly, Joshua
- Kessler, Jeffrey
- Khachadurian, Kevork
- Kiernan, Steven
- Kisielewski, Adam
- Kislow, Robert
- Klingensmith, James
- Knapp, Alex
- Koulchar, Nicholas
- Korona, Brandon
- Kramer,Timothy
- Kuboy, Marcus
- Kueser, Chad
- L
- Lage, Michael
- Lang, Ammon
- Lang, Bradley
- Langston-White, Josh
- Lasko, Daniel
- Lawrence, Christopher
- Leonard, Alex
- Leonard, William
- Leon-Barrientos, Wesley
- Leoncio, Nathaniel
- Letterman, Jason Lee
- Leverkuhn, Christopher
- Lister, Daniel
- Little, Mark
- Livesay, Christopher
- Long, Brandon
- Lopez, Jose
- Lopez, Mario
- Lopez, Quincy
- Lopez, Rafael
- Lowen, Brian
- Luce, Jared
- Luna Rodriguez, Hector
- Lyerla, Jacob
- Lyon, Kenny
- M
- Maenza, Benjamin
- Mann, Rebecca
- Marek, Paul
- Martinez, Gabriel
- Martinez, Jose
- Martinez, Michael
- Marts, Eric
- Mathis, Duncan
- Matthews, Chase
- Mayer, David
- Maynard, Jordan
- McCardle, Robert
- McCloskey, Kevin
- McCoy, Nicholas
- McDaniel, Anthony
- McDermott, Luke
- McGuire, James
- McGhghy, Duane
- McLoud, Justin
- McMinn, Randal
- McNeill Jr., Robert
- Melendez-Diaz, Emmanuel
- Menchaca, Justin
- Mendes, Nicholas
- Mercado, Jeremy Jay
- Metzdorf, Daniel
- Mickunas, Matthew
- Milan, Omar
- Millican, Scott
- Minard, Mike
- Mitchell, Roy
- Monreal, Gabriel
- Monroe, Shawn
- Montange, Michael
- Montera, Chris
- Montgomery, Christopher
- Monthervil, Michael
- Moore, Carl
- Morales, Raymundo
- Morgan, Evan
- Morris, Adam
- Morris, Nicholas
- Morris II, Johnny
- Mullis, Tony
- Murphree, Jesse
- Murphy, Luke
- N
- Nelson, Zachary
- Newell, Ryan
- Nguyen, Johnny
- Nielson, Jason
- Noblit, David
- Noss, Scot
- O
- Ochs, Christopher
- Olson, Josh
- Oravec, Anne
- Orchowski, Nicholas
- Ortega, Antonio
- Ortiz, Jorge
- P
- Pak, Jason
- Pannell, Kevin
- Parker, Matthew
- Paulk, Joseph
- Pcola, Jeffrey
- Pearce, Brian
- Pennington, Matthew
- Perez, Jose
- PerezRamos, Ricardo
- Pesce, Sean
- Peterson, Daniel
- Peterson, Stephen
- Pfeifer, Chad
- Picone, Quinton
- Pierce, Jack
- Pierson, Frank
- Pike, Andrew
- Pope, Jacob
- Popp, Adam
- Poppenhouse, Adam
- Post, David
- Price, Bryan
- Prudhomme, Toby
- Pucillo, John
- Puertas, Luis
- Putt, Adam
- Q
- Quevedo, Geoffrey
- Quintana, Phillip
- R
- Ramirez, Vicente
- Ramos, Redmond
- Read, Tim
- Recendez, Jude
- Redding, Blaine
- Remache, Luis
- Rempp, Nicholas
- Rethmel, Brandon
- Reyes, Roberto
- Reynolds, Vincent
- Rice, Cody
- Rice, Marcus
- Rivadeneira, Juan
- Rivera, Javier Rivera
- Rivera, Carlos
- Roberts, Brian
- Roberts, Jonathan
- Robinson, Andrew
- Robledo, Marco
- Robles, Daniel
- Rodriguez, Luis
- Rohn, Max
- Roldan, Juan
- Romo, Jacob
- Rooney, Peter
- Rosa-Valentin, Luis
- Ross, Sam
- Rozanski, Chad
- Rua, Roger
- Ruiz, Jose
- Rumbaugh, Brandon
- S
- Sampang, Lyndon
- Sams, Joshua
- Santiago, Christopher
- Santos Dilone, Noe
- Savage, Shane
- Sawyer, Jereme
- Schar, Brian
- Schaus, Paul
- Schmitz, Lucas
- Schulz, Jason
- Schumacher, Jonathan
- Scott, Thomas
- Seeley, Shawn
- Seguritan, Alejandro
- Sekora, Keith
- Sharpe, Derrick
- Shenker, Yevgeniy
- Shockley, Sam
- Short, Chris
- Shumaker, Nathan
- Silva, Glen
- Simone, Anthony
- Simpson, Eugene
- Sisco, Jordan
- Slate, Woodrow
- Sloan, Tyler
- Smith, Elliott
- Smith, John
- Smith, Joseph
- Smith, Joseph Tyler
- Smith, Jourdan
- Smith, (Mark) Stephen
- Solt, Marco
- Sonera, Moses
- Southern, Tyler
- Spang, Matthew
- Stein, Joshua
- Stengel, Jeremy
- Stevenson, Jeremy
- Stevenson, Jordan
- Stinson, Zachary
- Stokes, Harry
- Storey, Kionte
- Strong, Travis
- Sullivan, Blaine
- Sust, Joshua
- Sweeney, Joshua
- Swier, Wayne
- Sykes, Ryan
- T
- Tan, Pisey
- Tarte, Christopher
- Tharp, Rex
- Thomas, William
- Thom, Nicholas
- Thompson, Anthony
- Thompson, TaMarsh
- Thongdeng, Thongpane
- Thorne, James
- Thrailkill, Robert
- Tieffel, Aaron
- Timoney, Ryan
- Torres, Carlos
- Torres, Julian
- Trinidad, Eric
- Trujillo, Heather
- Trujillo, Sal
- V
- Vail, John
- Valle, Cristian
- Vandeventer, Thomas
- Van Etten, Christopher
- Vargas, Anthony
- Vargas, Jose
- Vasquez, Juan Carlos
- Velasquez Jr., Rudy
- Verra, Anthony
- Visbal, Robert
- W
- Wakeling, Seth
- Walker, Adrian
- Walker, Bradley
- Wallace, Daniel
- Wallace, Darryl
- Ward, Eddie
- Wasson, Frank
- Watters, Matthew
- Weakley, Kaleb
- Wells, Joshua
- Werda, Casimir
- West, Cameron
- Westbrook, Gene
- Wetzel, Josh
- Wheeler, Matthew
- Wickens, Patrick
- Wilcox, Ryan
- Wiley, LisaMarie
- Williams, Jeffery
- Williamson, Jesse
- Wilson, Andrew
- Wilson, Marcus
- Withers, Robert
- Wolf, Brett
- Wood, Travis
- Woodke, Joseph
- Woods, Arthur
- Worley, Joseph Daniel
- Wright, Randal
- Y
- Yanez, Anthony
- Young, Jeremy
- Young, Randall
- Z
- Zarate, Gustavo
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